Contact: | Scott Thompson |
Title: | Owner |
Phone: | (401) 377-4510 |
Website: |
Sector: | Hotels, Rooming Houses, Camps, and Other Lodging Places |
Category: | Trailer Parks and Campsites |
Industry: |
Excavation Work |
SIC Code: | 7033, 1794 |
NAICS Name: | RV (Recreational Vehicle) Parks and Campgrounds, Site Preparation Contractors |
NAICS Code: | 721211, 238910 |
Business Contacts at Frontier Family Camper Park:
1 total Contacts
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Average House Value | $ 248,100 |
Average Household Income | $ 67,821 |
Number of Households | 975 |
Persons per Household | 2.67 |